Although the way insurance companies set rates may be beyond your control, you can reduce the cost of your automobile insurance by following these steps:
- Maintain a good driving record. Traffic convictions and at-fault accidents usually result in higher premiums.
- Take the highest affordable deductible. Choosing a higher deductible may result in lower premiums. Insurance should protect you from major losses. Don't submit small claims you can pay for yourself.
- Ask if you are eligible for discounts. Some insurance companies offer discounts for having prior insurance, owning multiple automobiles or owning your home.
The Companies Coast Auto Insurance Services, Inc. represent offer the following discounts for our clientele:
Persistency Discount - This discount is based on the number of years continuously insured to a maximum of five (5) and on your loss record.
Good Driver - To be eligible, all drivers of your private passenger vehicle must have been licensed to drive for the last three (3) years and during the past three (3) years have not had:
- A major conviction or
- An at fault accident resulting in bodily injury or death or
- An at fault accident involving property damage only which resulted in a one (1) point minor conviction or
- More than one (1) minor conviction
In addition, during the past seven (7) years all drivers must not have been convicted for driving under the influence.
Good Student - This discount if offered to single drivers with less than eight (8) years of driving experience who are attending a public or parochial school or college on a full time basis and maintained a "B" of better grade point average in the previous semester. College or school means an academic institution and does not include trade or vocational schools.
Multiple Automobiles - this discount applies to policyholder's who insure more that one vehicle on a policy. The vehicles must be garaged at he same address and must be registered to and driven principally by the name insured other resident and their children.
Multiple Policies - An additional credit is available to policyholders that purchase multiple policies with the same company. For example their automobile and homeowner or renters insurance with the same company.
Mature Driver - This discount applies to drivers age 55 and older who have received a driver improvement course certificate from a certified DMV school and who have not had any traffic convictions or at fault accidents since completing the driver improvement course.
Anti-Theft Devices - Vehicles which include a qualifying factory anti-theft system as standard equipment will have the discount automatically applied.
*Not all Insurance Companies offer all discounts mentioned here. All Insurance Companies are required to disclose their available discounts at the time of purchase.